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Year 6

Hello and welcome to Year 6

The teachers in Year 6 are Miss Brennan (Jakarta) and Mrs Grainger-Groves (Tokyo). Our Teaching Assistant, Ms White  supports both classes.

Welcome to year 6!  On this page you will find all of the relevant information you need to know about your child’s life in our wonderful year 6 team. If you require any support at all, please get in contact with us, and we will be more than happy to answer any questions and fully support you and your child in every aspect of their school life!

Here is some key information about Year 6:

  • Weekly timetable
    Although we have P.E on set days, we do sometimes have extra sessions or sports-based visitors in school. We would appreciate it if you could keep your child’s PE kit in school for the week to be prepared for any extra sessions.

    Tuesday – Jakarta P.E
    Wednesday – Tokyo P.E

  • We need to make sure we bring our full P.E kits into school on Monday and leave them in school throughout the week. There may be unscheduled P.E activities that take place at different times during the week, and we need our P.E kits ready so we do not miss out. Anyone with ears pierced will either need to take their earrings out for the lesson or cover these with plasters/micropore tape. 

    Thursday – Weekly times tables assessment
    Friday – Weekly spelling assessment
  • Please send your child with a water bottle each day which is filled with water and ideally labelled. 



Mrs Grainger- Groves, Miss Brennan & Ms White