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Year 4

Hello and welcome to Year 4

Havana is taught by Mrs Barnes and Kingston is taught by Mrs Cassidy.  Mrs Williams-Rayner & Mr Smith support in both classes. We all work together in a team alongside pupils and parents. 

This half term, we will be learning all about the Ancient Egyptians! We will be enjoying the books, 'Cinderella of the Nile' and 'Ma'At's Feather'. In Maths, we will improving our place value knowledge and our arithmetic skills and getting even better at using the four operations. In Science, we will be learning about 'Electricity'. We are very lucky this half-term as we have some outside providers supporting our learning; we will be completing weekly guitar lessons on a Monday and a cricket coach will be in school every Tuesday teaching us to play cricket. 

Key information

  • Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Thursday for Havana and Tuesday and Friday for Kingston. Please ensure that P.E. kits remain in school and are only taken home for the half-term holidays. Anyone with ears pierced will either need to take their earrings out for the lesson or cover these with plasters/micropore tape, which are provided for by their family. 
  • Please send your child with a water bottle each day which is filled with water and ideally labelled. 
  • To support your child with their reading, please read with them at least 4 times per week for about 10 to 15 minutes. All children have a book in school at their reading level. We encourage them to bring these books home. Please ensure they are returned each day, so they can also be read in school.