Hello and Welcome to Milford Nursery!
We have a dedicated team of staff in Nursery, led by Mrs Smith, our Nursery Teacher and EYFS Lead.
The rest of the team is made up of Miss Weatherall, Miss Sneath and Ms Sanderson.
We welcome children into nursery after their third birthday, usually at the beginning of the following term, depending on when their birthday falls. They can, however, start at any time after that if parents feel they would rather wait a little longer.
The times of our nursery sessions are
We offer full time places (30 hours) for children who are eligible. To find out if you are eligible, please visit and fill in the application. You need to let us know as soon as possible if you wish to apply for a full time place.
We run a waiting list and can take children’s names from birth. We will then contact you around your child’s 3rd birthday to invite you for a visit and give you a starting date. Families are very welcome to arrange a look around Nursery and staff are available to answer any questions you may have. Please call in or email school for an application form or to book a 'look around'. We look forward to meeting you!
In Nursery, the children are organised into three carpet groups; Polar Bears, Arctic Foxes and Snowy Owls. Our group times over the week include story time, singing, phonics, maths and social games as well as snacks and milk every day.
The rest of the time in Nursery, the children can choose to learn through play indoors and outdoors in our lovely big garden.
Our activities are mainly based around stories that we look at closely for around 2 weeks, and these are connected to different themes each half-term. There is always scope for children to follow their own interests and fascinations at Nursery as we plan for the needs, ages and stages of individual children.
We use a document called Development Matters to support children's learning and development. We also follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework, which sets standards for children's learning, development and welfare from birth to five years old.
These documents can be found here:
Last half term
Last half-term our topic was Fabulous Figures.
We learnt about the important roles people have in the community through reading books such as A superhero like you, Mog and the Vet, and Maisy Charley and the Wobbly Tooth. We had a visit from the firefighters, who brought their engine for us to see. They showed us all the important equipment on the engine and how the hose works. We also learnt what number to phone in an emergency. In literacy we were recognising our own name cards and clapping the syllables in our names, breaking down words into smaller chunks. At the end of the term, we performed our Christmas nativity, Shine Star Shine, for all our families.
This half term
This half term we are focusing on Traditional Tales, including The Little Red Hen, The 3 Billy Goats Gruff and We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.
Please check the half termly newsletters, topic web and Class Dojo for more information.
We look forward to another busy half term!