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Our Chair of Governors is Mr D Dickinson. The Governors play a vital role in supporting, monitoring and challenging the school to improve the standards of education for the whole academy community.

Parents can contact Mr D Dickinson via the school office or by email at if you have any matters you might wish to discuss with him.

Our full list of Governors can be seen below:

  • David Dickinson – Chair of Governors
  • James Strawbridge – Joint Vice Chair of Governors / Member
  • Matt Cooke – Joint Vice Chair of Governors / Chair of Audit
  • Ian Fidler - Member
  • Simon Thompson - Member
  • Joe Turner – Head Teacher
  • Helen Richardson - Teacher
  • Stephen Goff – Teacher
  • Augusta Steele - Co-opted Governor
  • Terry Smith - Co-opted Governor
  • Susan Buckby - Parent Governor
  • Tiffany Iball - Parent Governor

Our Parent Governors are particularly important in providing feedback to the school, so do seek them out if you have any issues you wish the Governors to follow-up in school on your behalf.

The Academy Board meet twice each term and therefore six times a year.  One meeting a term focuses on Educational Standards and one meeting focuses on the Business of the Academy.  Our meetings are minuted by an experienced Clerk from Nottingham City who provides independent oversight over the Governance of the Academy and provides a local and national perspective to ensure all relevant educational issues are addressed at our Board meetings.  Dave Dickinson chairs both meetings and is responsible for covering Board sub-committees if and when the need arises.