Ethos and Values
At The Milford Academy we believe that education is concerned with ensuring the best development of each child’s abilities – physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially.
This is best provided by a broad and balanced curriculum which develops progressively and is appropriate to individual needs.
Children learn best when their motivation is high, and therefore developing self-confidence, positive self-esteem and skills of communication are of great importance.
Children should be encouraged to develop skills of self-evaluation and to view their achievements in a positive way.
In order to facilitate the best development of a child’s abilities, the school should provide equal opportunities for all pupils.
The Milford Academy should be a happy, safe and stimulating place and discipline, where appropriate, should take place in a positive, forward-looking context.
Parents will be welcomed into school and informed about and involved in their child’s education.
An active partnership can thereby be created between children, parents and teachers, with the wider community, including employers, contributing where appropriate.
Our values are shared and understood by the whole school community and form the basis of our positive Behavioural Band Policy. These values are embedded in our whole curriculum and discussed regularly with the children. They also underpin our work in Assemblies, SEAL, RE and our understanding of British Values.
We believe that children who demonstrate these values on a daily basis will be successful in their education, in their home, in their community and their future.