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Year 3

Year 3

Hello and welcome to Year 3.

Santiago is taught by Mrs Barnes and - Brasília is taught by Mrs Haslam.

Mrs Williams-Rayner, Mrs Burrows-Oldfield and Mrs Paice support in both classes.

Key information

  • P.E. days are Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure that P.E. kits remain in school and are only taken home for the half-term holidays. Anyone with ears pierced will either need to take their earrings out for the lesson or cover these with plasters/micropore tape, which are provided for by their family. 
  • Please send your child with a water bottle each day which is filled with water and ideally labelled. 
  • Year 3 homework expectations are Reading, Spelling, and Times Tables Rock Stars.
  • Reading - To support your child with their reading, please read with them at least 4 times per week for about 10 to 15 minutes. Please record and sign in pupil Reading Diaries. All children have a book in school at their reading level. We encourage them to bring these books home. Please ensure they are returned each day, so they can also be read in school.
  • Spelling – Please spend time learning the spelling pattern each week
  • Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) – Please use this app to increase speed and accuracy with tables recall. Year 3 should know x2, x5, x10, x3, x4 and x8 facts.